Medizin - Open Access LMU - Teil 05/22

Medizin - Open Access LMU - Teil 05/22


Distribution of T-lymphocyte subsets in porcine lymphoid tissues
The distribution of the functional subsets of porcine T cells, the cytolytic/suppressor (Tc/s) and the helper/inducer (Th/i) cells was studied in cryostat sections of thymus, lymph nodes, tonsils, Peyer's patches, spleen and liver using the indirect...
II. Detection of an antigen on resting T cells down-regulated after activation
The expression of an antigen on porcine T lymphocytes detected by murine monoclonal antibody (mAb) 8/1 was investigated by functional studies and dual-parameter immunofluorescence. mAb 8/1 reacts with greater than 95% of thymocytes and in peripheral...
Simultaneous expression of CD4 and CD8 antigens by a substantial proportion of resting porcine T lymphocytes
The existence of four subpopulations in resting porcine T lymphocytes is documented. In addition to the two known subpopulations which are typified by a mutually exclusive expression of either the CD8 or the CD4 differentiation antigen, CD4-CD8+ and...

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