Sustainabilty for Wellbeing. Positive Mental Health with Mindfulness  Practice

Sustainabilty for Wellbeing. Positive Mental Health with Mindfulness Practice


Über diesen Podcast

Huw will introduce and explain to you the skill of Mindfulness through Music, Words and Practice. Listen to how Mindfulness has positively changed the lives of 1000's of people.In these podcasts I will share with you the how to become truly a more mindful, balanced and happy person. Relax to the Monochord spacious overtones. Listen to the real-life stories of those who have completed the mindfulness 8 week course and listen to the instruction podcasts as how to do it yourself. Become inspired to learn to practice mindfulness yourself. Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health are two sides of the same coin. Each supports the other to build a healthier, happier, balanced and sustainable life. Mindfulness is a mind tool, a mental approach you learn to viewing yourself, your life, your reality, with clearer insight and understanding. Mindfulness is the ability to focus your mind, 100% in the present moment, non-judgementally at will. Just by stopping and focusing the mind in the moment, on purpose, the perceived stress you are carrying in your mind, of whatever you are reacting to or thinking about becomes diluted and less overwhelming.The anxiety, the negative emotions, the tiredness, the anger, the fears, the depressive feelings all slip into an acceptable soft focus of understanding and lose their overwhelming control of your life. It is truly magic the way mindfulness can help you 'view' yourself more clearly and kindly, with a ray of self-understanding and self compassion. This doesn't mean you don't have to deal with the issue at hand. Far from it ! This newly relaxed and focused mind is a potent advantage in sorting out your life, dealing with the issues, viewing the whole picture and taking positive, life enhancing actions. Mindfulness is not psycho-babble or a judgemental look at why your life is as it is.Mindfulness helps you be more yourself in this moment now, with a kindness of heart and care for yourself. Please visit the website at for more information on courses and downloads.WITH YOUR THIOUGHTS SO YOU CREATE YOUR WORLD

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