Your Friendly Neighborhood Manifestor Show!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Manifestor Show!


Über diesen Podcast

Hey there!My name is Kai and my passion is helping others to manifest massive amounts of wealth, love, and abundance.I consider myself adept as a manifestor as I have personally manifested a six-figure business, $10,000 (as well as another $1,000) overnight, my soul mate, a role on national television, 10 bestselling novels, and so many more awesome opportunities that come to me daily.And I want to help you do the same.My journey with the law of attraction started when I was 8 years old. I picked up the book The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles. After reading the first page I quickly closed the book and forgot about it.Fast forward to the age of 13. I knew I wanted to change my life for the better but didn’t know how! Then, the audiobook of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne showed up into my life.I have studied and practiced the Law of Attraction, paradigm-shifting, altering my subconscious mind, and shifting myself to a parallel reality that I desire for 14+ years and felt inspired to start pushing my knowledge onto others!I currently live in Texas with my beautiful girlfriend and my spoiled white Siberian Husky. I’m also a huge Star Wars fan 🙂

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