What if? #109 Alte weiße Frau und Grünschnabel - Generationenverbund

What if? #109 Alte weiße Frau und Grünschnabel - Generationenverbund

12 Minuten


vor 3 Wochen


In this podcast episode, Simone discusses the topic of generation
bashing and conflicts between different generations. She shares
her experience of being called an 'old white woman' on social
media and reflects on the discrimination and hostility that can
arise when opinions don't align. Simone questions when and why
the arrogance between older and younger people started and
emphasizes the importance of valuing and including people of all
ages in society. She encourages intergenerational collaboration
and believes that age should not limit one's participation and
contribution to life.


Discrimination and hostility can arise when opinions don't
align between different generations.

There is a need to value and include people of all ages in

Intergenerational collaboration can bring together the
strengths of different age groups.

Age should not limit one's participation and contribution to

Nur Mut, Deine Simone Gerwers

#generation #bashing #conflicts #discrimination #hostility #older
people #younger people, #intergenerational #collaboration #ageism

#mut #Change #Transformation #whatif #rebel4change #podcast
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