EP19: Erik Day, SVP, Small Business & Co-founder of the Pride ERG, Dell Technologies

EP19: Erik Day, SVP, Small Business & Co-founder of the Pride ERG, Dell Technologies

Being in an executive role at a large enterprise …
12 Minuten
INSPIRE 20 is a series of conversations with 20 i…


vor 3 Jahren
Being in an executive role at a large enterprise brings with it a
high level of responsibility, according to Erik Day, who leads Dell
Technologies' small business division in North America and
Brazil.And as an executive, Day said he should use his voice for
much more than just being a voice for the LGBTQ+ community. It
should be used for being feminist and being an ally to his black
and brown brothers and sisters.Day, who co-founded the Pride
employee resource group (ERG) at Dell Technologies was recently
named in the top 10 OUTstanding LGBT+ Executives Role Model List of
2020 by INvolve, a global network and consultancy championing
diversity and inclusion in business.

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