Why are you going all in on AI? – In conversation with Henrik Kniberg

Why are you going all in on AI? – In conversation with Henrik Kniberg

18 Minuten


vor 1 Monat

Henrik Kniberg is renowned for his contributions to Agile
methodology, notably the Spotify Model, and his engagement with
the Minecraft community. He has now fully transitioned into the
role of an 'AI Whisperer.' In the newest 'Tell Me' episode, he
reveals why. 

“Tell Me Henrik – Why are you going all in on

Is AI just another technology like many before it, or is it
perhaps just merely a fleeting hype? Henrik Kniberg believes AI
will be a major game changer for us all and has aligned his
activities with the new role of an 'AI Whisperer.' In the latest
episode of 'Tell Me,' he explains why he sees it this way and
when exactly it became clear to him that AI makes a

As a renowned expert in Agile methodologies, who has notably
shaped the Spotify Model, he reflects on how organization and
collaboration will change with the new possibilities offered by
AI. Henrik also discusses why he sees AI-Autonomous Agents as the
next big step and how they will change our work and open up new
opportunities for smaller teams. 

Furthermore, the latest episode of 'Tell Me' concludes by
addressing how we should prepare for this future and examining
how AI will shape the professional lives of today's young


Henrik Kniberg, renowned for shaping the Spotify Model, has had a
profound impact on Agile methodologies and organizational
transformation. His work with Minecraft highlights his knack for
fostering innovation and collaboration within the tech and gaming
sectors. As an acclaimed author, his publications like "Scrum and
XP from the Trenches" are considered fundamental in Agile
practices. Through his speaking engagements, Kniberg has
encouraged professionals to embrace Agile frameworks, promoting a
culture of continuous improvement and adaptability. His recent
video, "Generative AI in a Nutshell - how to survive and thrive
in the age of AI", illustrates Kniberg's role in providing
guidance and clarity within the AI conversation. It rapidly
attracted a significant number of views, underscoring its
relevance and impact. 


Thank you for the engaging exchange, Henrik Kniberg

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