51. IBCS in SAC - Transformation through Design-thinking - Talking with Nico Licht, SAP | EN

51. IBCS in SAC - Transformation through Design-thinking - Talking with Nico Licht, SAP | EN

Viktoria, Kai and Nico Licht are talking about implementing the IBCS-Standard in the SAP Analytics Cloud, how he changed the design and way of thinking at SAP and the perfect dashboard.
40 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren
Nico is an experienced designer (interaction design, design
thinking, media production) with 20+ years design experience, 10+
years software development experience, 5+ years cloud software
development experience in the field of Data Management, Analytics
and Planning. He is leading a global team of domain experts (user
experience, user assistance, design services) in the field of Data
Management, Analytics and Planning. Nico has a background in
advertising and studied audiovisual media, interaction design and
documentary film in Stuttgart, Sunderland and Toronto. In this
episode, Nico Licht, Vice President Design at SAP,reveals why he
decided to work for SAP, what the advantages and challenges of
implementing the IBCS standards are, his recipe for success, and
why design-thinking is so critical not only for designer, but for
everyone. Which assets can designers bring to the table? What do
young in-house designers need to keep in mind when starting at a
new company? What does the perfect dashboard look like? Learn more
about Nico as a person in our quickfire questions round and about
what we can expect from him and his team in the future.

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