Ukraine-Krieg: Wieso Christina vor dem Krieg geflüchtet ist

Ukraine-Krieg: Wieso Christina vor dem Krieg geflüchtet ist

55 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

English (German below):

We are back in 2023 with a special episode: Our first interview
episode – in English! We talked with Christina. She is a
Ukrainian student at the university of Dnipro. She lives in
Berlin since the war started almost one year ago. We asked her
where she was when the war started, how she and her friends
handle the situation and what she plans for her future. It was so
interesting to hear her perspective and we thank Christina once
again for sharing her thoughts with us in this interview!

If you want to give us feedback, comments and new ideas, feel
free to message us on Instagram (@tassenrand), Twitter
(@UTassenrand) or via email (!



Wir melden uns das erste Mal in 2023 mit einer ganz besonderen
Folge: Unsere erste Interview-Folge auf Englisch! Der Grund: Wir
haben mit Christina gesprochen. Sie ist Studentin an der
Universität Dnipro in der Ukraine und lebt seit Kriegsbeginn 2021
in Berlin. Wir haben sie gefragt, wo sie zu Kriegsbeginn war, wie
sie und ihre Freund:innen die aktuelle Situation erleben und was
ihre Pläne für die Zukunft sind. Es war super interessant und wir
bedanken uns nochmals bei Christina, dass sie ihre Eindrücke mit
uns geteilt hat!

Schreibt uns auf Instagram (@tassenrand), auf Twitter
(@UTassenrand) oder per Mail ( Wir freuen uns
über Kommentare, Anregungen und Feedback!


Time Stamps (English)

00:00 Introduction

02:19 What kind of tea does Christina drink?

04:49 Speaking German Together - Where does Christina learn

06:36 Christina introduces herself

07:08 Talking about Dnipro, Christina's hometown.

09:10 What kind of life did you have before the war?

10:02 Where were you when the war started?

11:15 How Christina experienced the beginning of the war

13:06 Did you know the war was coming?

15:00 Russia as a threat, humor and memes on social media: why
Christina and her friends still joke about the war

17:56 Where are your friends?

20:10 How Christina feels about this radical change in her life

22:10 How Christina came to Germany and why she wants to stay

27:50 She wonders to what extent Ukraine is still Europe or not

29:38 Where is Christina's family? Ukraine, Canada

30:37 How does Christina find out about the war? Relatives,
friends, social media, news

32:24 Is the news too much? Why Christina feels obliged to be

35:20 Do you have any Russian friends who are Russians?
Christina's personal relationship with Russians and Russia

41:35 Scars from the Soviet Union: why Christina's family started
speaking only Ukrainian, even though her native language is

47:13 Do you have friends in the Ukrainian army?

48:25 Can you imagine life in Ukraine after the war? Why material
destruction is not the biggest problem in Christina's eyes

52:10 Christina's wish for 2023

54:43 Outro


Logo: Alicia Ludwig

Musik: Ketsa – Exactly (via

Recherche und Moderation: Clara und Leonie

Vielen Dank an unsere Gästin Christina!

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