Paul Huddle

Paul Huddle

1 Stunde 6 Minuten
Der Podcast voller Inspiration, Wissen und Leidenschaft - Erlebe die Faszination Triathlon


vor 10 Jahren
#027 - Interview with former Triathlon Professional Paul Huddle (in
english) Paul Huddle is a former professional triathlete who knows
the sport inside out - almost since the early days of triathlon,
where the roads were not blocked during race day and nobody was
wearing helmets and the Ironman was still a true adventure! What
sort of experiences he gathered while doing the sport actively as a
pro, his view on WTC Ironman and on Challenge Series races and what
he thinks of who should be on the radar for the upcoming Ironman
World Championship in Kona – this and many other topics I will talk
about with Paul Huddle for Folge direkt

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