#11 WIRtuell-Festival #2 - Stepping Forward As Life-Affirming Leaders - with Margaret Wheatley

#11 WIRtuell-Festival #2 - Stepping Forward As Life-Affirming Leaders - with Margaret Wheatley

59 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

This episode was recorded live at our
Leadership³ WIRtuell-Festival 2021 and
is our first English release!

These times call us to awaken to a deeper understanding of
leadership. We need to ground ourselves in the reality of global
collapse while maintaining a deeply rooted faith in the ultimate
goodness of every human individual. We are called to embody a
willingness that is in service to life rather than our own
personal desires. In this process the aspiration of our personal
development is also not our own fulfillment but our increased
availability to be in service. What is the inner work of
self-knowing that supports us to step forward as life-affirming
leaders for this deeply troubled time?


Links und Ressourcen aus dem Gespräch:

Margaret Wheatley

The Warrior's Songline 


/// dieser Podcast wurde noch zu meiner Zeit als Leadership³

.... Lust tiefer einzutauchen in Kollektive Führung und
die integrale Landkarte?

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individuellem Coaching begleiten wir Dich und Deine Organisation
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