Hugh Howey on how to write good science-fiction, produce your best work and become a successful writer

Hugh Howey on how to write good science-fiction, produce your best work and become a successful writer

31 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren

If I could invite Hugh Howey for coffee and pick his brain, this
is what I'd ask.

Sadly, I couldn't buy him a cup of coffee because of the 3,965
miles between us, but I'm so incredibly thankful that he took the
time to answer my questions.

I’m always humbled by the way he talks about writing and
publishing and by his generous support of other authors in the

If you still haven’t, read his books. Read his blog-posts on
writing because there’s so much treasure in there. And prepare to
be inspired by this interview and motivated to write and put
serious work into your stories.

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