Klavier, Dirigieren, Komponieren und Lebenserfahrung - Interview mit Ted Ganger

Klavier, Dirigieren, Komponieren und Lebenserfahrung - Interview mit Ted Ganger

51 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

Ted Ganger kann auf eine lange und vielseitige Laufbahn
zurückblicken und auch noch vorblicken. Er arbeitete als
Dirigent, Pianist, Korrepetitor, Studienleiter und er schreibt
Songs, die eigene kleine Kunstwerke sind und die er bereits auf
mehreren Alben aufgenommen hat. Ich schätze ihn sehr als
Korrepetitor und Berater und bin immer sehr dankbar für seine
Ratschläge und seine Erfahrung. Wir haben im Podcast über sein
Leben und die Theaterwelt geplaudert und am Ende ist sogar einer
seiner Songs zu hören! Bleib' also unbedingt bis zum Schluss

Hier findest du Ted und die Links über die er gesprochen hat:

Über Auditions:






Der Songtext zum mitlesen:


(Spoken) I was driving across Iceland in a rented jeep. And I'd
set the GPS, but it was just as lost as me. So here I am, in the
middle of nowhere, driving around in circles, getting more
desperate by the minute, when suddenly...I hear a voice. It's
cool and calm and clear, and it's coming from the car. And the
voice says to me, "You have reached your destination." And I
think, "Okay."

I have reached my destination,

This is where I had to go.

And I'm sure there is a reason,  

Though I may not want to know.


I have reached my destination,

And it's me that got me here.

I'll let go of my frustration and give up my expectation and
enjoy my new location,

Till the next one can appear.


Am I really going forward?

Am I only standing still?

Am I here because of destiny,

Or what they call free will?


But I'll try to keep my balance,

While it all goes rushing past.

'Cause I've come to the conclusion, I can handle the confusion
and a bit of self-delusion,      

Till I find myself at last.  


Never mind if I had wanted life to go a different way.

This is where my life has taken me, so here I am today.

I arrive as I depart, and I depart as I arrive.

And at times I may lose heart, but that's just part of being


You have reached your destination,

This is where you had to go.

And there always is a reason,

Though you may not want to know.


You have reached your destination,

And it's you that got you here.

So let go of your frustration and give up your expectation and
enjoy your new location,

Till the next one can appear.

 COPYRIGHT: Ted Ganger

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