Staffel 6 Resümee & Favoriten

Staffel 6 Resümee & Favoriten

56 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren
"Wie wir die sechste Staffel fanden"

Ausgewählte Nominierte auf Screenshots:
Beste Skulpturen
Bester Gaststar, Bestes Holodeck (?)
Beste Catchphrase
Beste Requisite (beknackt)
Beste Requisite (ernsthaft)
Schlechteste Requisite (beknackt)
Schlechteste Requisite (ernsthaft)
Bestes Kostüm
Bestes nicht gegessenes Essen 1
Bestes nicht gegessenes Essen 2

Das Highlight aus den Shownotes von Staffel 6, aus 123 Rätsel /
Riddles (S6E6), Marta spielt 20 Questions:

1. It is classified as Sentient Being.
2. Would it make a good captain? Yes.
3. Has Picard seen it? No.
4. Is it human? No.
5. Is it easy to get along with? Yes.
6. Is it an organization? No.
7. Does it enjoy Earth food? Yes.
8. Was its life cut short by war? No.
9. Is it hot? Sometimes.
10. Would it do business with the Ferengi? Yes.
11. Does it have hair? Yes.
12. Is it involved in a romance with a crewmate? Yes.
13. Is it ranked higher than a Lieutenant? No.
14. Are its clothes a little snug? Yes.
15. Would it be useful in an escape? Yes.
16. Has it ever been to Earth? No.
17. Does it understand many complex languages? Yes.
18. I guessed that it was Ezri Dax? Wrong.
19. Has it ever been beamed aboard the Enterprise? No.
20. I am guessing that it is Neelix? Right
Contradictions Detected:
Would it make a good captain? You said Yes, 20Q was taught by other
players that the answer is No.
Is it hot? You said Sometimes, 20Q was taught by other players that
the answer is No.
Does it understand many complex languages? You said Yes, 20Q was
taught by other players that the answer is Doubtful.


Ebd. auch Prof. T. Alents geologischer Mohnkuchen:

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