Anapanasati exercise to foster a good relationship with food

Anapanasati exercise to foster a good relationship with food

Nourish the mind and the body
18 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

This week's podcast features an awareness exercise with Nicole
Harrington. A meditation style fostering awareness of self.
Diabetes is interfering in our relationship with food so much and
actually enjoying a meal can be challenging. We are constantly
forced to look at food in a mathematical way to do our carb
counts, evaluate it with its macros as if it is a science project
and inject medication for it every single time. No matter, how
you eat with diabetes, very day is a balance act of decisions and
that adds stress to our lives.

We made this meditation, to ease off stress and for you to return
to the present moment. It is made to empower you to foster a good
relationship with yourself and the way you nourish your mind and
body by focusing on the breath.

Mindfulness eating booklet

In connection with mindfulness eating Nico and I developed a
small booklet with a vegan low carb recipe and mindfulness
practise, which we are giving away for free in a giveaway. To win

To dive deeper into mindfulness eating practise with Petra Hanson
Eason 5 episode 1 called “7 Principles to Mindful Eating”

Wanna improve your well-being by running flatter blood glucose
lines, reducing your HbA1c, having less hypos and more time in
target range? Then we need to talk! Send me a message via my
website or via instagram to arrange a free call! 

Nico on insta:


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loving review on Apple Podcast: This
helps massively to run this free podcast for you!

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