How effective is intermittent fasting really (#55)

How effective is intermittent fasting really (#55)

32 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

Intermittent fasting is becoming a trendy topic for health
optimisation. Listen to this show to be the first to know about
potential health recommendations coming up for weight loss and
diabetes management in future.

In the interview is Alice Coffey and Petra Hanson. Alice is a PhD
student at the University of Warwick, UK in Global Sustainable
Development. Petra Hanson is a clinical research fellow at the
University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust in the

Together they wrote a literature review on the effects of
intermittent fasting on weight loss, metabolic health and insulin
resistance. They wanted to know, how effective intermittent
fasting really is according to existing evidence. Reviews like
Alics's and Petra's are very important as they build the
foundation for new health recommendations and guidelines in the

FREE material

For key take-aways of this episode and more biohacks visit my

There you can find FREE downloads, guided meditations and many
other free resources including blood glucose friendly recipes!

Want more support on your health journey? Want to improve your
energy levels, mental clarity, weight management or as a diabetic
run flatter blood glucose lines, reduce your HbA1c, have less
hypos and more time in target range? Then book a free call via my

More episodes on fasting:
S5E47 called “Self-experimentation: 100
hours fasting as a diabetic”

S4E40 “This biohack increases insulin

If you want to know more about Petra Hanson and her work on “The
7 principles of mindfulness eating”, go to S5E41: 

If you are listening to this interview with Alice and Petra and
you are a diabetic on tablets or insulin, then please chat with
your doctor before starting intermittent fasting to make sure it
is done in a safe way.


If you enjoy the show, please subscribe & leave a
loving review on Apple Podcast: This
helps massively to run this free podcast for you!

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