#013 - Positive affirmations for self love - English

#013 - Positive affirmations for self love - English

10 Minuten


vor 6 Monaten

Hello and welcome!

How are you doing? Thanks for coming back here to a brand new
episode: Positive affirmations for self love.

I'm super happy to share today my most favorite positive
affirmations for self love with you. Affirmations helped me a lot
in my personal development journey.

How to (also available directly in the episode):
Affirmations help create new thought patterns in our mind.
Through repeated listening & reciting you can create new
neural pathways in your brain, building new positive thought
patterns and breaking any negative patterns you may have. Listen
to this audio in your daily morning routine, or in the evenings
right before you sleep. Try it out for at least 21 days in a row,
in order for you to feel the first changes.  

I will repeat each affirmation twice and then give you time to
repeat after me. Please feel free to recite these affirmations in
your mind or out loud.

Let me know how you liked it: Please review my podcast with a
5-star review and/or share your favorite episode on Instagram and
tag me: @dancer_brina. Thank you!

I'm sending you a lot of positive energy, love and light.
Your BRiNA

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