4: Joik and the Voice of the Sámi – Healing Arts with Voice Shaman Anna-Katariina Hollmérus

4: Joik and the Voice of the Sámi – Healing Arts with Voice Shaman Anna-Katariina Hollmérus

55 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren

Life brings wonderful surprises - one of them in the last days
was to meet Anna-Katariina, a Voice Shaman and Healing Artist who
feels closely connected to the Sámi culture and their vocal
tradition of Joik. I invited her into my podcast and here she
shares with us her crystal-clear healing voice. She shares about
her path of the voice, the meaning of the Sámi people in her life
and all our lives. She sings and joiks for us and lets us be part
of a very special way to bring healing through voice. And tells
us what the connection with nature has to do with it. 

Such a pleasure and honour to raise our voices together and let
them play. Thank you, Anna-Katariina for your being and work! I
feel so connected to you and will treasure this eye contact that
made me travel through all times into eternity. 

Make the people sing! Aho! 

You can reach Anna-Katariina via Facebook: Anna-Katariina

And Amelie via FB- Amelie Mehru or instagram @voiceyourlife

Für Deutschsprachige: Am 16.3. startet mein Kurs "Jodel dich
frei", in dem wir genau das machen, worüber Anna-Katariina und
ich gesprochen haben. Mehr Infos hier: https://fb.me/e/2P9k1UI0S

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