Sustainability trough Mindful Design! James Law, CEO Cybertecture

Sustainability trough Mindful Design! James Law, CEO Cybertecture

50 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren

Today, James Law joins Sebastian Morgner, one of the world’s most
progressive thought leaders in the field of architecture and
housing development. The fourteenth episode of the podcast
discusses the issue of Covid-19 from an entrepreneurial
standpoint, and thereby touches important topics like
sustainability, resilience and the power of mindful design. 

After having a short exchange about how the virus has affected
Mr. Law and his business, the conversation addresses the current
VUCA-World, and how to conduct business in it. Mr. Law states it
is important to understand, that his perspective on
entrepreneurship is not the same as it used to be ten years ago.
While originally, he believed it is all about progress, growth
and profit. Having gained experience over the past few years, he
now believes it is more about caring for his employees and
allowing for sustainability and mindfulness, than solely about
financial gratification. In his opinion, a manager has a certain
duty to his colleagues and should aim for their well-being first
and think about profit later.

Following that, he shares his conviction, that the purpose that
drives a business is one of the core factors in its o's decision
making process. He defines success as any step taken by the
organisation, that allows it to get closer to fulfil that
inherent purpose.

Summing up his previous thoughts, he then elaborates on the issue
of mindfulness in every part of life. He is convinced, that every
business in the world whether it is about housing, clothing or
even food, must utilize sustainable design to preserve earth for
future generations.

Directed at the audience he closes by saying that everyone should
always be humble and grateful, because no one matter how bad
things may be, there is always hope.

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