Using our Brains for Better Coaching

Using our Brains for Better Coaching

29 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

Patricia Riddell

Professor of Applied Neuroscience, University of Reading

Consultant Neuroscientist, PMR Consultants

Patricia Riddell is a Professor in the School of Psychology and
Clinical Language Sciences at the University of Reading, and a
member of faculty at Henley Business School. 

One of her main interests is the ways in which neuroscience can
be applied in the business world, especially to coaching and
leadership. In the last 15 years, she has been building a
consultancy using her expertise to develop neuroscience training
for Business Schools both nationally and internationally. Clients
include Henley Business School, UK and South Africa, Massey
Business School, New Zealand, and Oxford Said Business School.
She has written many articles on the neuroscience of coaching and
leadership and co-authored a book (The Neuroscience of Leadership
Coaching: Bloomsbury Press, 2015).

She has a reputation for making the complex simple. This is
invaluable when helping individuals and teams to learn to use
their brains more effectively. She has applied this understanding
to many aspects of business including leadership, decision
making, stress and resilience, reducing unconscious bias,
diversity and inclusion, team building, change management and

Patricia gained her undergraduate degree from Glasgow University,
her masters from Imperial College and her doctorate from Oxford
University. She is also a trained coach (PCIC from Henley
Business School) and an NLP practitioner.

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