Coaching in Education

Coaching in Education

22 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

Cristina Mühl, PCC ICF, SP EMCC

Country Director SolutionsAcademy Romania, Team Coach and
Board Member of ICF Germany

Cristina's background in compliance, auditing, consulting and
international business made her realize the importance of
coaching in the current scenario of the corporate world. She has
coached executives and management at various levels to develop
their skills and realize their potential. Throughout her
experience, she has guided several teams in finding a better way
to work together to achieve the maximum through active listening,
powerful questioning and activating the resources of each

Besides coaching, Cristina conducts ACTP/ ACSTH coach training
under SolutionsAcademy Romania for Coaching Fundamentals,
Coaching in Organizations, Team Coaching, Business Development
Mastermind or Mentor Coach Training. As Country Director, she has
also introduced these courses in Romanian language to support
future coaches, HR professionals or managers to become quality
coaches according to the ICF Golden Standard.

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