Coaching Supervision: Evoking excellence in supporting others

Coaching Supervision: Evoking excellence in supporting others

44 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

Ken Giglio, PCC, MCEC, Dip.CS is Principal of Mindful
Leadership Consulting, and a highly experienced executive coach,
consultant & coach supervisor. Ken leads his team in
developing mindful leaders to be attentive and present with
themselves, others, and the systems in which they work. Prior to
founding Mindful Leadership, Ken spent many years in the
corporate world and co-founded the learning division responsible
for the executive coaching and leadership development programs
for a global financial brokerage firm.

Ken is passionate about establishing a mindful reflective
practice where leaders and coaches increase self-awareness and
agility in the moment and foster the courage to confront and
shift the self-limiting mindsets/behaviors that undermine
effectiveness. Ken is a Master Corporate Executive Coach and an
accredited Coach Supervisor with the Coaching Supervision
Academy. He is also a member of CSA’s International Faculty,
contributor for CSA North America program and a member of EMCC
International’s Coaching Supervision workgroup.

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