What drives a coaching relationship

What drives a coaching relationship

23 Minuten


vor 11 Monaten

Gorm Eriksen is a devoted father of three children and a serial
entrepreneur with a passion for education and technology. At 42
years old, he serves as the CEO of StudentPulse.io, a
trailblazing tech company dedicated to enhancing student
Eriksen's entrepreneurial journey started early. At just 20 years
old, he successfully launched and sold his first
company, tomsnak.dk. This early victory was a harbinger of
success to come, as he went on to found and exit two more
companies - Installers A/S and Edura. These ventures provided
Eriksen with invaluable experience in the tech and education
sectors, preparing him for his current role
at StudentPulse.io.
StudentPulse.io stands as a testament to Eriksen's
commitment to improving student success on a global scale. The
company utilizes continuous data streams to empower stakeholders,
identify at-risk students, and enhance learning experiences. This
innovative approach is emblematic of Eriksen's vision for the
future of education - one that combines the power of technology
with the vital importance of student well-being.
Throughout his career, Eriksen has demonstrated an unyielding
commitment to progress and innovation in the realm of education.
As CEO of StudentPulse.io, he continues to drive change and
shape the future of education, one student at a time.

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