Coaching in Silicon Valley

Coaching in Silicon Valley

30 Minuten


vor 6 Monaten

A lawyer and organizational psychologist, Sylvia Kurpanek has
been living and working in Silicon Valley for 21 years.

In Palo Alto, she worked as a mediator until she discovered
coaching. By combining the most effective components of various
methods from different fields, she developed three coaching
approaches – one of them is PALO ALTO COACHING.
In 2011, Sylvia founded the Palo Alto Institute for Systemic
Coaching. Here, she coaches professionals, entrepreneurs,
executives, as well as athletes, organizes workshops, and trains

In her view, coaching provides even more sustainable results when
it goes beyond the cognitive. That’s why she is passionate about
her PALO ALTO COACHING approach that allows “coaching on the
correct floor of the brain.”

Sylvia is convinced that more people from all walks of life could
benefit from coaching. Therefore, her mission is to lower the
threshold that keeps potential clients from getting support when
facing a challenge.

In her experience, 1 – 5 sessions of Brief Brain-Based Coaching
are often sufficient to support clients in

·       defining where they’d
rather be

·       overcoming obstacles of
getting there.

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