Humans@Work / Emotional Intelligence

Humans@Work / Emotional Intelligence

Why do humans need emotion (@work)? - internal episode
1 Stunde 14 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren
It’s our 2nd internal episode and we’re again talking on the
flipside. Erm? Now wait, this feels kind a odd and wrong. We are
talking on the inside. Yeah that’s it. Seems like talking and
writing in a foreign language deserves a certain degree of failure
tolerance. And that is not always pleasant. Pfiuuh so much emotions
running through our bodies but hey, isn’t that the essence of being
human? Humans feel and can talk about these feelings to connect
with our humans. Sounds like a natural thing, doesn’t it. But from
our angle we often discover that there is a certain alien planet,
where this natural behaviour seems often to be missing. Let’s call
this planet “work”. Whenever the rocket starts to launch heading to
this outer world, people put on their jumpsuits to protect
themselves. Seems logical that there is a protection needed. At
work we have to be “professional”. Corrrect? Most definitions of
“professional” don’t include the praxis of "showing emotions". Even
more, “being professional” is often understood as “to be under
control”. One could even exaggerate it as “being emotional
detached”. Your daily team pleads for a revolution. Let’s put up
for a whole new definition of “being professional” and mix in the
human factor. Let’s integrate the outer with inner world and work
for a more natural ambient at work. A habitat for the human species
and without the need to put on the non-emotional masks. So now your
ready to dive in and follow our unscripted and therefor very free
flow dynamic discussion. We don’t call it Schnitzel, we call it:
>Episode 19: Human @ Work ( visit:
Feedback, questions, etc. can be beamed into the orbit or send via
mail to Greetings to all humans from your
most beloved alien space crew. Cpt. Rossmann, Commander Baker and
Lt. Magoley PS: Kudos go to Counselor Kaschub for the warp
amplified input regarding our topic of the month & Welcome to
the bridge. PPS: Kudos as well to all other mind infusion activists
(Theresa, Moritz, Gregor, Carmen,...). You are the best.

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