Folge 56: Pox, Populism and Politics: Three Centuries of American Vaccination Controversies

Folge 56: Pox, Populism and Politics: Three Centuries of American Vaccination Controversies

29 Minuten
Der Podcast des Heidelberg Center for American Studies


vor 2 Jahren

Colder weather has arrived in the Northern hemisphere and once
again, the number of Covid 19-infections is on the rise. Yet,
prospects don’t seem quite as bleak this year because many of us
have received a vaccine to protect us from a severe case of
Covid. Those vaccines have been developed in record time; they
have also caused severe controversies, especially about vaccine
mandates. But such conflicts did not start during the Covid-19
pandemic; they date back centuries. In this episode of the HCA
podcast, Anja Schüler vaccination controversies of the past with
Robert Johnston, professor of history at the University of
Illinois Chicago. He is currently working on a book entitled Pox,
Populism and Politics: Three Centuries of American Vaccination


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