MNM Epic Football Show - #2

MNM Epic Football Show - #2

The second episode of the MNM Epic Football Show! Live at the 2Brothers Irish Pub in Graz with Martin Doohan and Jan Rynne. [Length: 02:05:01]
2 Stunden 5 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren

nostalgia (\ nä-ˈstal-jə) : pleasure and sadness that is caused
by remembering something from the past and wishing that you could
experience it again


As we are back at the brilliant downtown 2Brothers Irish Pub, we
would like to take you on a journey!

Straight from the shoulder we discuss wholeheartedly our desire
we have for that game. When it comes to CR7 being THE STRIKER at
Manchester United, whats the deal with the recent scandal in
Brazil and what does distinguish a true old school captain ?

That and a lot of other things in our 2nd Episode of the Epic
Football Show with Jan Rynne and Martin Doohan!

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