Sanction options under German criminal law

Sanction options under German criminal law

17 Minuten


vor 11 Monaten
In the fifth episode of our English series our guest on the podcast
is Mirjam Hannah Steinfeld. Today’s topic is sanctions options
according to the German criminal code. In this episode, they
address the possibilities of punishment of natural persons. After
an overview of sentencing options in general, they go into the
details of the German fine system and especially address
imprisonment as a sentencing option. They go into the reality of
the custodial sentences and the probation system. Dr Rosinus
explains the possibility to combine the different punishment
options which is common in white collar crime. In addition, they
point out different aspects which are relevant for the judge for
sentencing. Mrs. Steinfeld explains the opportunity of an early
release and special conditions that apply to foreigners. Besides
that, they talk about the additional measures, which may be imposed
after a criminal conviction. Dr Rosinus in dialogue with: Mirjam
Hannah Steinfeld, MBA, CFE is a lawyer and qualified specialist for
criminal law. She works in-house at Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) and as an attorney, including as Of
Counsel at Rosinus | Partner. She advises companies and individuals
on all aspects of white-collar crime law. Mirjam Hannah Steinfeld
can be reached by email at or by
phone at 069 87403060.

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