Day 11 - Daily Gratitude

Day 11 - Daily Gratitude

13 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren

In today’s Daily Gratitude episode, I´m sharing with you that I´m
grateful for those little things that can put you in a good mood
from one moment to another. For me this was a friend telling me I
could come over to her place today. I was excited and in a better
mood right away. I decided to put on those cool pants she gave me
(definitely go listen to the episode if you want to find out
about those pants haha). The crazy thing is that I could have
worn those pants whenever but reading her text saying I could
come kind of lead to a shift in my brain I guess telling me “YES,
NOW is the time to wear those pants!!” (Lol I´m smiling so badly
while typing this, because this is seriously what was going on in
my mind in that moment) So anyways, I wore those pants today and
just felt great! And there are other days, where it´s a song I
hear and dance to that puts me in a good mood or a yummy
breakfast, cooking something delicious, going for a nice walk and
listening to a podcast, reading or talking to a friend – the list
goes on and on… But yeah what is it for you that you found can
put you in a better mood? Find those things and then remind
yourself of them, whenever you feel like your mood is going down
a little bit.

What are you grateful for today?

Share it with me and let me know what you think of this episode -

You can also listen to my podcast on iTunes. Here you can write a
review and leave a 5-star rating.

I hope you enjoyed today´s episode, I talk to you tomorrow,

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