#18 Career Relaunch - Getting Back to Work with Dr. Patricia Widmer

#18 Career Relaunch - Getting Back to Work with Dr. Patricia Widmer

Getting Back to Work with Dr. Patricia Widmer
14 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

Getting back to business after years of child care is tricky!

While we @MyCollective focus on new parents returning to their
careers right after parental leave, there are also many women who
leave their jobs for a prolonged time to take care of their
family. We talk to Dr. Patricia Widmer about how they can come

Patricia is the Vice Director at the University of St. Gallen in
Switzerland and has set up University programmes specifically for
this - including the "Women Back to Business” programme and the
"Career Relaunch" conference.

She has found that finding the way back to a career-path is
linked to three things, not all of which are within our control,
but some of which very much are:

 our social circle (including our family)

 our workplace environment

 ourselves! Our sense of what we can do, and what we expect
from ourselves. 

In this podcast, she has lots of excellent advice on how we can
impact those three circles, as she calls them. Ways in which we
can manage expectations at home, at work - and our own. 

As a mother of two teenagers, she also has some valuable
experience of her own to share 

Speaker: Dr. Patricia Widmer, Vice Director University of St.

Interviewer: Dr. Ricarda Engelmeier - Founder @MyCollective

Music: sponsored by @Michaelkadelbach

Picture: Dr. Patricia Widmer

Graphic & Production: MyCollective

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