#22 Rethinking hierarchy - how anyone can improve their work culture, with Rainer Höll

#22 Rethinking hierarchy - how anyone can improve their work culture, with Rainer Höll

How anyone can improve their work culture, with Rainer Höl
31 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

Leadership isn’t a position, it's a behaviour. And no matter
where we are in our company's hierarchy, we can all change our
behaviour, and by extension our work culture, says Rainer

Rainer Höll is an Organisational Developer: he’s a soul-searcher,
a philosopher, a visionary, who helps companies ask themselves
the tough questions needed to become better workplaces.

In his particular case, he realised that the organisation that he
was CEO of at the time - Ashoka Germany - would benefit from a
less hierarchical structure, so he took steps to change that. "We
distributed the leadership across all members of the team; that’s
when I switched my title from Managing Director to partner - all
the permanent members of the team became partners,” he explains
in this Podcast. 

Ashoka may be an extreme case of an organisation abandoning its
hierarchies entirely - but there are lessons in this for any
company. It’s about overcoming fears, building trust and
authenticity, and a more open workplace. "There are so many
conversations that don't happen in conventional organisations
because people are afraid of bringing up certain topics,” says
Höll. "You have a default, which is the conventional hierarchy -
but no one really questions it because no one knows if it’s
dangerous to question it. But it’s entirely possible to have a
conscious conversation about - is this the best set-up for us?
It’s not about the intricacies and the details of the
decision-making structure; it’s the cultural foundation of trust
and conversational ability that you need to build.”

That culture of open conversation and trust makes for a more
attractive workplace - and staff who are more open to developing
leadership skills at any level. "There are a lot of competencies
around emotional self-management or having a systemic view of an
organisation - that’s a typical leader skill toolset,” he says.
“If you distribute the decisions-making power among people,
everyone needs to be able to do that.” And everyone benefits.

Speaker: Rainer Höll, Executive Coach and Organisational

Interviewer: Dr. Ricarda Engelmeier - Founder @MyCollective

Music: sponsored by @Michaelkadelbach

Picture: Rainer Höll / Christian Klant

Graphic & Production: MyCollective

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