#61 [english]: The importance of Residency Programs for artists’ careers: Kathryn Mikesell, Fountainhead Miami

#61 [english]: The importance of Residency Programs for artists’ careers: Kathryn Mikesell, Fountainhead Miami

I spoke with Kathryn Mikesell, Founder of the Artist Residency program Fountainhead in Miami, about the impressive work they have done on helping artists to build sustainable careers and cultivate new audiences
1 Stunde 6 Minuten
For „heliumTALK – Das Kunstgespräch“ Jörg Heikhaus meets with interesting people from the art world at the heliumcowboy gallery in Hamburg. Conversations are English or German.


vor 4 Jahren
Kathryn Mikesell and her Husband Dan started Fountainhead Miami, a
residency program for artists over a decade ago. When I met Kathryn
on one of these crazy Miami art fairs back then they had just
started their venture and I have admired their relentless work on
helping artists to build sustainable careers and at the same time
cultivate new audiences for the arts. Privately run residencies are
a beautiful thing, because just think about it, there are people
who love art so much that they dedicate their personal time and
resources and of course their money to give artists a place where
they can create freely, in a different environment, landscape and
often mentality for a certain amount of time. It’s not just the
love for the arts, it is also about understanding the needs of
artists and encouraging the process of how art gets into this world
in the first place. It really takes a lot, which makes all that
Fountainhead stands for today eben more impressive to me and I am
so happy that Kathryn found the time to talk with me in my podcast.

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