#76 [english]: Corona-Isolation special with the artist David Shillinglaw in England

#76 [english]: Corona-Isolation special with the artist David Shillinglaw in England

Checking in with people of the fine arts community from different countries to hear how they are dealing with being locked down.
1 Stunde 6 Minuten
For „heliumTALK – Das Kunstgespräch“ Jörg Heikhaus meets with interesting people from the art world at the heliumcowboy gallery in Hamburg. Conversations are English or German.


vor 4 Jahren
With this series of special editions of heliumTALK I am trying to
find out how the art community around the world is doing, so I am
checking in with artists, gallerists, collectors, journalists and
so on to hear how they are dealing with being locked down and what
their ideas are to make the best of this. For this special show I
spoke with David Shillinglaw, who was on my regular podcast over a
year ago (heliumTALK #31), visiting me in person in my studio in
Hamburg. Here we go, two people who love to talk, please enjoy an
hour of David & Jörg.

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