#80: Ken Harman about running multiple galleries in times like these, about diversity and what art can really do

#80: Ken Harman about running multiple galleries in times like these, about diversity and what art can really do

How art can and should help change the world we live in - an honest talk with one of the US most prestigious young gallery owners.
1 Stunde 14 Minuten
For „heliumTALK – Das Kunstgespräch“ Jörg Heikhaus meets with interesting people from the art world at the heliumcowboy gallery in Hamburg. Conversations are English or German.


vor 3 Jahren
Not only has it been a while since my last podcast but this one has
also been a while in the making. I wanted to speak with Ken Harman
Hashimoto already in April, but we only recently managed to get
together online, you can guess that it has been and still is a busy
time for people running any kind of art business these days, and
Ken not only owns three gallery spaces - Spoke Art in New York and
San Francisco and Hashimoto Contemporary, also in San Francisco -
but Recess, The People’s Print Shop and Paragon Books as well. I
very much love that we talked about really burning issues too, I am
very thankful to Ken for being honest and open about everything.

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