Bildungscontrolling in der Schule? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Prozess-, Output- und Transfercontrollings am Beispiel eines innovativen Unterrichtsprojekts

Bildungscontrolling in der Schule? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Prozess-, Output- und Transfercontrollings am Beispiel eines innovativen Unterrichtsprojekts


vor 18 Jahren
Educational controlling (Bildungscontrolling) is an economically
influenced concept of quality development in educational
institutions, which originated in the context of corporate further
education. This article asks to what degree approaches of process,
output, and transfer controlling are suitable for adaptation in
publicly financed education, and what kind of adjustments are
necessary in contexts such as schools. As a case example the
article presents the evaluation of the innovative school project
“Tatfunk”, which aims at fostering students’ entrepreneurial skills
and thinking. Methods and results of the educational controlling
process within the project are reported and analysed in regard to
the goals of the evaluation. The results show that the innovative
concept of the project was successfully implemented in practice and
that the central project goals could be achieved. Concluding, the
article discusses which main premises of process, output, and
transfer controlling need adjustment in the context of publicly
financed education. Additionally, it is shown which surplus value
can be derived from the perspective of educational controlling for
the overall educational quality discourse

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