Evaluation problemorientierten Lernens im Münchner Modell der Medizinerausbildung - Bewertung durch die Studierenden (1997 bis 2001)

Evaluation problemorientierten Lernens im Münchner Modell der Medizinerausbildung - Bewertung durch die Studierenden (1997 bis 2001)


vor 22 Jahren
This research report is concerned with the evaluation of
problem-oriented learning in medicine, i.e. the Munich Model of
medicine education. First, key concepts of problem-oriented
learning and their realisation in medical education are outlined.
Then, the Munich Model of medicine education which has been
established in cooperation with the Harvard Medical School, Boston,
is described. Four problem-oriented courses are part of this model.
Approximately 1.500 students participated in these courses. The aim
of the evaluation is to provide a basis for improving the quality
of the four problem-oriented courses. Evaluation dimensions are
acceptance, subjective learning gains, group cooperation and
tutor's support. The report shows the students' ratings of all
courses conducted since 1997. The evaluation results are described
for each course. Furthermore, between-course comparisons are
reported. In general, students are very satisfied with the courses.
Findings are discussed and future research is outlined

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