Integrative Evaluation: Ein Ansatz zur Erhöhung der Akzeptanz von Lehrevaluation an Hochschulen

Integrative Evaluation: Ein Ansatz zur Erhöhung der Akzeptanz von Lehrevaluation an Hochschulen


vor 23 Jahren
This research report is concerned with integrative evaluation as a
means to enhance the accep-tance of evaluations at universities. If
evaluations are initiated from outside, e.g. from administrative
institutions, the problem of reduced acceptance frequently arises.
This means that teachers and students tend to dislike the
evaluation, because the possibilities for those directly affected
persons to actively influence the evaluation are rather low. With
respect to this problem, it is shown how teachers, students and
administration can be integrated in the evaluation process by
providing possibilities for active participation. The three groups
are integrated in the clarification of the evaluation goals and the
evaluation design. This process is supported by using the
evaluation cube. When the questionnaires are developed, these
groups participate by generating the evaluation criteria. Based on
these criteria, the expectancies of students regarding course
quality, the expectancy confirmation and the satisfaction with the
course are assessed. The feedback of the evaluation results aims at
motivating teachers to enhance the quality of the course. Finally,
intervention steps are elaborated by cooperation of the three
groups. At the end of the report, research questions are outlined
which are considered to be important with regard to integrative

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