Wissensmanagement in der Forschung. Gedanken zu einem integrativen Forschungs-Szenario

Wissensmanagement in der Forschung. Gedanken zu einem integrativen Forschungs-Szenario


vor 23 Jahren
This article on the one hand wants to survey action research in the
area of management in these aspects that are relevant to knowledge
management research. It also gives an overview of qualitative
evaluation research in the area of education. On the other hand the
article tries to point out how these two research trends relate to
the model of qualitative social research. In addition to that the
article introduces the relatively unknown mode 2 research; its
basic idea of integrating different understandings of research can
sometimes be already found in educational psychology. By this way
the article highlights possibilities of an integrated understanding
of research in scientific knowledge management projects and
encourages to discuss a scenario for knowledge management driven by
Mode 2 research.

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