TuBI - ein virtuelles Seminar zur Text- und Bildgestaltung im Internet

TuBI - ein virtuelles Seminar zur Text- und Bildgestaltung im Internet


vor 23 Jahren
TuBI stands for a virtual seminar concerning the design of text and
pictures in the Internet. The participants get to know theoretical
knowledge and practical competencies in designing convincing
web-pages and furthermore in planning didactically wise concepts
for learning texts in the Internet. The instructional concept bases
on the principles of problem oriented learning and the Cognitive
Apprenticeship Approach. In the net-based learning environment
"TuBI" applicable knowledge is taught by means of authentic
problems and multimedia anchors. Various electronic communication
tools are offered to the participants to foster their virtual
cooperation. The curriculum was developed after a critical
reflection of already existing virtual seminar-concepts and
therefore offers an instructional support that explicitly responds
to the specific features that learning in a virtual space comes

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