Dr. Mark McKergow - The circle of progress – the circle of acknowledgment with Kirsten Dierolf

Dr. Mark McKergow - The circle of progress – the circle of acknowledgment with Kirsten Dierolf

29 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren

Dr. Mark McKergow is the director of SF work, the centre for
solution focus at work in Edinburgh, Scotland.  He is the
author of the first book on solution focus in organizations
together with Paul Jackson “The Solutions Focus” and he will have
a new book on solution focused and next generation of solution
focus coming out next year in Routledge.

In this podcast, Mark McKergow and Kirsten Dierolf are talking
about Mark’s model of the “the circle of acknowledgement and the
circle of progress” – how coaches can support clients by being
interested in the progress they want to make or they have already
made but also acknowledge the difficulties they are facing. It is
a model that can help any coach whichever approach they are

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