Coaching in Arab und Muslim Regions

Coaching in Arab und Muslim Regions

18 Minuten


vor 9 Monaten

Haya Al-Bitar, a Managing Director & Board Member at Lama
Holding Company.

She has been working in her family office for 15 years. 
With a successful career in corporate leadership, and alongside
her own personal growth journey and realizing what she needed to
do to add more meaning and purpose to her life, Haya decided to
also start embarking on a fulfilling transition into the coaching

Recognizing the value of guiding and empowering others, Haya is
leveraging her experience and skills to support individuals in
their personal and professional growth journeys. Adept at
fostering a collaborative and supportive environment, she is
dedicated to helping clients unlock their full potential, achieve
meaningful transformations, and attain sustainable success.

With excellent communication and interpersonal abilities, she is
poised to make a positive impact as a coach, facilitating
positive change and empowering individuals to thrive.

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