Coach IT: Insights and trends

Coach IT: Insights and trends

29 Minuten


vor 5 Monaten

Cristina Mühl embodies a remarkable fusion of extensive corporate
experience and a profound commitment to the coaching profession.
With a multifaceted career that spans industries and continents,
she is a leading figure in the development and promotion of
coaching excellence. Cristina's contributions to the evolution of
coaching extend beyond her individual practice. She serves as a
Subject Matter Expert with ICF Global, where she has played a
pivotal role in shaping the competencies for coaching
supervision, setting standards and best practices for the
industry. Currently, Cristina serves as the President-Elect of
ICF Germany, demonstrating her leadership and vision for the
future of coaching in her region. Furthermore, Cristina has
contributed to the knowledge base of coaching with the published
book on team coaching – Solution Focused Team Coaching in
collaboration with Kirsten Dierolf.

Anke Paulick is co-founder and co-CEO of the digital coaching
start-up evoach. As a certified coach (ICF PCC) with many years
of digital experience, she accompanies coaches on their way into
the (digital) future. As a corporate executive at Lufthansa,
Bertelsmann and United Internet, she implemented new digital
business models with her teams. Anke is a business economist,
holds an MBA from the University of Oxford and has trained as a
systemic coach, facilitator, scrum master and team coach. Since
2021, she has been responsible for virtual education and
digitization on the board of ICF Germany.

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