
vor 5 Monaten

My dear friends,

time for a November recap! Maybe I'll make this a regular thing,
to have a little monthly reflection on learnings. 

November was a time for a lot of changes, a lot of reflection.
And some learnings are definitely nothing new, but just a
reminder to re-focus on myself. Who knows, perhaps these
learnings can also be of some help to you, too.

So here we go, my 5 learnings in November. From accepting change
to protecting my energy, make sure to tune into the podcast to
find out more about what's been going on this past month and my
take aways from it.

If you value this podcast and the content in this episode, I
kindly ask you for one massive favor: Please go ahead and leave a
rating. More than anything this helps me and my little podcast to
reach more people and create an even bigger platform to share
thoughts and let people know “Hey, you’re not alone with this”

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