Episode 27: Kicking off 2024 - new questions, confusions and the daily life hustle

Episode 27: Kicking off 2024 - new questions, confusions and the daily life hustle

17 Minuten


vor 5 Monaten

My dear friends ️,

 Welcome to 2024 and the first episode of the

Honestly, this first week feels like it‘s been a month already

The year is basically starting of with EVERYTHING

New work environment, travelled to a new place, working fully
remotely. Exciting and amazing, no question. Buuuut also some new
frustrations, questions and topics have come up through this
experience. Things, that sounds super simple, but I just did not
have on my mind. Or at least didn‘t pay enough attention to. To
now notice, how important these things actually are to me to be
able to feel comfortable and work effectively.

But as everything, it‘s a journey. Many lessons to be learned
along the way. And I will tell you more about it in the new
podcast episode of Caitlin, my life and I! 

If you value this podcast and the content in this episode, I
kindly ask you for one massive favor: Please go ahead and leave a
rating. More than anything this helps me and my little podcast to
reach more people and create an even bigger platform to share
thoughts and let people know “Hey, you’re not alone with this”

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