#31 Dr. Kirk Schneider: How can existential insight deepen self-connection?

#31 Dr. Kirk Schneider: How can existential insight deepen self-connection?

1 Stunde 40 Minuten


vor 5 Monaten
This week, we welcome Dr. Kirk Schneider on the podcast to talk
about how we can utilize existential insight to deepen
self-connection. First and foremost, Dr. Schneider is a kind and
thoughtful person with a moving story. Above and beyond that, the
list of his achievements is long. He is a licensed psychologist and
leading spokesperson for contemporary existential-humanistic and
existential-integrative psychology, co-founder and current
president of the Existential-Humanistic Institute (an award-winning
psychotherapy training center), Council Member and Candidate for
President of the American Psychological Association (APA), a
trained moderator for the conflict mediation group Braver Angels,
and has authored or edited 13 books. Together, we dive into the
most fundamental wellspring of being: connecting within. Relatedly,
we talk about the connection all of us have with ourselves and how
it affects the ways in which we connect with others. Dr. Schneider
explains what it means to check in with oneself from an existential
humanistic psychotherapy standpoint and what deep presence with
oneself really entails. We explore the boundary conditions of
roaming within, whether it is for everyone and the extent to which
shying away from it in today’s day and age is still justifiable.
All the while we make sure to embed our thinking in societal and
economic contexts. There is heaps of information to take away from
this one - we are excited for you to give it a listen.

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