#257 mit Evan Carmichael, 2.6 million YouTube subs, Forbes Top 40 Social Marketers, Inc Top 100 Leadership Speakers

#257 mit Evan Carmichael, 2.6 million YouTube subs, Forbes Top 40 Social Marketers, Inc Top 100 Leadership Speakers

“I am an introvert by nature.”
31 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren
Our guest today was by his own judgment, a slow learner. It took
him 19 months before he learned to walk and people kept asking his
parents what was wrong with him. When he went to school at the age
of 3, he spent a lot of time sitting under his desk instead of
participating in class. He was very often sick, was constantly on
antibiotics for terrible ear infections, and in and out of
surgeries to try to fix his hearing problem. He jumped between
three different schools and his parents were worried that he wasn't
getting the extra attention he needed and he also wasn't making any
friends. Fast forward: He's still shy today. He hates small talk.
He's scared of the camera and he's scared of being on stage.
Nevertheless, today he has a YouTube channel with more than 2.8
million subscribers and over 6,500 videos. Why? There seems to be
two reasons: Firstly: He found out that he had a true passion for
helping others, and he used this drive to do exactly that.
Secondly: and this is the title of one of his Keynotes: “FEAR is
NOT a Good Enough REASON to NOT TAKE ACTION!” Murray Newlands said
about our guest in a Forbes article: “The only thing stronger than
his friendly personality is his drive to help others meet the
success that he achieved.” After reading his book “Your one word” I
immediately sent him a Direct Message on LinkedIn to ask him if he
would like to join us on our Podcast. His answer? Let´s do it
Michael! For almost exactly 4 years we are on our “way to new
work”. How can a topic that plays such an important part in our
everyday life create more meaning in our lives again? How do we get
people to draw strength and motivation from their daily work again?
How can one succeed in living a happy, healthy, productive and
fulfilling life even in such difficult times?We are looking for
methods, role models, experiences, tools and ideas that bring us
closer to the core of New Work! We are always concerned with the
question of whether everyone can really find and live what they
really, really want in their innermost being. How can we make sure
that each and everyone of us will find their inner driving force or
as our guest today would call it, her or his one word?” You are at
“On the Way to New Work” - today with Evan Carmichael.

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