Episode 178 - PowerScripting Podcast - PowerShell v3 Beta

Episode 178 - PowerScripting Podcast - PowerShell v3 Beta


vor 12 Jahren
PowerShell version 3, now in beta!
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March 19th is the International PowerShell User Group Day

Steven Murawski will be speaking twice at the Cascadia IT Conference March 23 & 24th

Microsoft is giving away a free eBook on PowerShell for SQL Server launch attendees

The PowerShell Deep Dive session abstracts have been posted

The Scripting Guy is starting a 5-part video series on March 12th

NYC Techstravaganza coming up March 30th

PowerShell in Depth MEAP now open

Boe Prox just released PoshChat

Rich Presscott just published v1 of his AD User Creation Tool

Windows 8 Client and Server Beta released, as well as PowerShell 3 Beta (links galore from Jason Hofferle)

Server 8 new administration experience

PowerShell does not ship with help files on the box?

Post by Don Jones

“Implicit array member access” aka Property Unrolling

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