10-10-16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

10-10-16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin has become one of the hottest properties in Talk radio, his top-rated show on WABC is now syndicated nationally. He is also one of the top new authors in the conservative political arena.


vor 7 Jahren
If you were alive during the Founding Father’s time would you have voted for George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, or James Monroe for president? These four men all owned slaves yet without them America wouldn’t be the country it is today. Trump is not the Founding Fathers’ but he is also not Hillary Clinton. What he said in 2005 was disgusting and pathetic, but he didn’t rape anybody. This election is not about electing a conservative but about damage control after the Obama administration. Trump is not a conservative and he’s might not be reliable on some of the conservative positions that he has adopted. But Hillary Clinton is a reliable Alinsky ideologue and wants single payer health care, massive tax increases and liberal justices on the Supreme Court. In addition, Hillary Clinton doesn’t care about the Constitution, she wants the institutionalization of the leftist agenda in the Constitution which will make it impossible to change down the road. Trump wants to pick judges that will respect the Constitution. It’s not the moral, principled, conservative thing to do to stand down in this election. Is it moral to support someone like Hillary who unleashed suffering in the Middle East through her policies? When Ted Cruz said vote your conscience he wasn’t talking about reputation but rather what is good for the country. Some people will do nothing, but they are dead wrong. After that, some say Trump should step aside and Mike Pence should step up. If Trump were to step aside for Pence, we would lose in a massive landslide because people are already voting. This idea is impossible to carry out.

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