4/10/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

4/10/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

We bring you the best of Mark Levin. This is the show that started the President Trump surveillance investigations. The big scandal here is that we’ve had the Obama administration surveilling the Trump campaign and transition team and leaking informati..
Mark Levin has become one of the hottest properties in Talk radio, his top-rated show on WABC is now syndicated nationally. He is also one of the top new authors in the conservative political arena.


vor 7 Jahren
We bring you the best of Mark Levin. This is the show that started the President Trump surveillance investigations. The big scandal here is that we’ve had the Obama administration surveilling the Trump campaign and transition team and leaking information to the public, in hopes of getting Hillary Clinton elected. Those are police state tactics! Nothing Gen. Michael Flynn or AG Jeff Sessions have done are even in the same category as that. The real question should be, was Barack Obama as President using our intelligence services through the FISA court to gather information on their opponent? In addition, where did the information on Sessions come from? The Obama administration knew exactly what they were doing. They loosened NSA information gathering rules weeks before they left office. The information was then grabbed and spread to plants in the government. The question is who they did spy on and the extent of the spying that is the Trump campaign, the Trump transition and Trump surrogates. Also, Sessions has recused himself from the investigation between President Trump and Russian ties. He met with the ambassador as matter of his duty as a senator not as a surrogate for the Trump 2016 campaign. However, Republicans in the house and Senate insisted that he recuse himself. You can bet Republicans will throw these guys overboard just like they did with Gen Mike Flynn. The left’s desire to destroy this administration is insatiable, and they are not going to stop. Did Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch ever recuse himself on anything? This is so pathetic that Republicans are all over T.V. saying Sessions should recuse himself. Republicans like Kevin McCarthy are running for the hills whenever liberals attack. Finally, Dr. John Eastman, Law professor at Chapman Law School calls in to talk to discuss Trump’s fascination with Andrew Jackson. Jackson vetoed every bill by Congress that attempted to work on local and state projects.

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