10-6-16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

10-6-16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin has become one of the hottest properties in Talk radio, his top-rated show on WABC is now syndicated nationally. He is also one of the top new authors in the conservative political arena.


vor 7 Jahren
President Obama’s approval rating has hit a high of 55% in his second-term. This rating tells us one thing - we’re surrounded by stupid people. We’re surrounded by people who don’t care about their rights and liberty, think eviscerating law enforcement is a great thing and are in favor of open borders. After that, Donald Trump is behind in key states with only 5 weeks left. Many of us are desperate to defeat Hillary Clinton in spite of Trump’s imperfections. It’s up to Trump to win and no one else. This could be a very close election as indicated by the polls and Trump could lose if he is not careful. In addition, Joe Bastardi of WeatherBell calls in to give an update on Hurricane Matthew’s current status. As the rest of the country sleeps Thursday night, the Florida east coast is going to be hit by Hurricane Matthew with 120 mile per hour winds. There could be massive floods in Florida, in Georgia and in North Carolina. Also, Hillary has asked the state of Florida in the middle of an emergency to extend the voter registration there. It is never America first with her and the left. Later, Obama is disgracefully bypassing the Senate once again. He is going to enter into a treaty at the U.N. on climate change. This treaty is against capitalism and will destroy liberty in America. How does shutting down our smoke stack industries and paying foreign governments going to stop the ocean from rising?

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