Episode 313 - PowerScripting Podcast - Rob Reynolds on Chocolatey

Episode 313 - PowerScripting Podcast - Rob Reynolds on Chocolatey


vor 8 Jahren
Rob Reynolds on Chocolatey   Interview https://chocolatey.org/ https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ferventcoder/chocolatey-the-alternative-windows-store-like-yum   Chatroom Highlights https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ferventcoder/chocolatey-the-alternative-windows-store-like-yum https://chocolatey.org/packages/chocolatey.server http://inedo.com/proget/pricing/features-by-edition http://powershell.org/wp/2015/01/04/episode-291-powerscripting-podcast-garrett-serack-from-microsoft-on-oneget/ Not chocolatey.org http://chocolatey.org, we host our own repo https://github.com/PowerShellOrg/cChoco https://www.virustotal.com/ Or what about MeetUp.com http://MeetUp.com.  Don't know if that has a cost to it or not. @stuwee: have you seen this? https://chocolatey.org/packages https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/wiki/CommandsInstall https://www.dropbox.com/s/eeroh0oat4mtzgz/new_icon.png?dl=0 halr9000 uploaded a file: new_icon.png https://powershell.slack.com/files/halr9000/F10GSGG12/new_icon.png http://us8.campaign-archive2.com/?u=86a6d80146a0da7f2223712e4&id=9fca6c8b8c   ## When do you think we'll see chocolatey enterprise? ## What about OneGet ## Does dsc have chocolatey resource? ## How are you paying for all that bandwidth ## Speaking of "store" is there a monetizing plan in the works? ;-) ## can you use local nuget repository proxy like sonar nexus to host local chocolatey repo ## how much of that do you expect chocolatey to manage and how much do you expect businesses to do themselves? ## how does chocolatey surface installation answer filles? ## what is best a way to install groups of chocolatey packages? ## so business will be our  hosted Chocolatey repo? ## Knowing little to nothing about choco, does it run in a PSH console?

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